
Counties at the Capitol tracks the progress of IACBMC's legislative agenda and county-related proposals making their way through the legislative process. Published periodically during Session, advocacy staff report on the outcome of committee hearings and let county officials know if they need to contact their legislators on any of the issues.

Available to member counties only.

SIGN UP! Just e-mail [email protected] from the address at which  you wish to receive the reports.


A summary of significant legislation passed by the Illinois General Assembly that affects local government. The report provides a synopsis of each bill organized according to general subject categories and relevant components of the state budget process. It is a great reference tool for those seeking information about enacted local government related laws in Illinois.

Prepared at the end of Session.

Available to member counties only.


The Illinois County Platform is a statement of policies based on the resolutions and legislative programs adopted by the general membership in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. Responsibility for developing and pursuing strategies for their implementation falls to the Board of Directors, standing legislative committee, and staff, with the grassroots assistance of the membership.