Legislative Program

Policy development is a key part of IACBMC's legislative effectiveness.

Every year the IACBM Legslative Committee and staff engage in advocacy efforts at the state capitol on bills and resolutions that are of critical importance to counties. The association's legislative policy is set by its members and reflected in the official issues platform which is revised annually.

Advocacy efforts include meeting with state lawmakers and members of the executive branch, reviewing legislation, testifying before committees and negotiating with the state on administrative rules. IACBM regularly networks with peers from other local government organizations and special interest groups to help advance common goals.

In general, IACBM supports legislation which will assist counties in providing more efficient operations and services to the citizesn of Illinois and opposes bills which seriously hinder local control or that mandate additional costs. 

All members in good standing are encouraged to participate in the development of the IACBM legislative program.

Have an issue you would like to be considered for Legislative Action?  Complete the 2024 Legislative Proposal Form.


Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. on December 22, 2023.* For further information contact the Association office at (217) 528-5331 or [email protected].